
All the courses below are automatically added to your account when you enroll in this bundle.

✅ Level 1 - Web Development

1 Hour HTML

1 Hour CSS

Introduction to JavaScript for Web Developers

Ultimate Advanced JavaScript Masterclass for Web Developers

The Node.js Masterclass for Complete Beginners

Build Your First App With React

Introduction to React Native

Create Apps with JavaScript using Vue

Essential JavaScript Software Developer Interview Guide

SQL Coding Interview Guide

✅ Level 2 - UI/UX

UI App Development in Android Studio with Google Material Design

UI and UX App Design in Adobe XD

✅ Level 3 - Apple Development

Build iPhone Apps with SwiftUI for Beginners: iOS 14 and Swift 5 Masterclass

Build Apple Watch Apps: The Complete iOS 14, Swift 5 and WatchOS 7 Masterclass

The Ultimate MacOS & iOS Masterclass: Build Mac Apps with SwiftUI

Learn to Create Apps for the Apple TV

Ultimate iOS Coding Interview Preparation

Mastering Core Image: Xcode's Image Recognition and Processing Framework

Top 10 Coding Interview Topics in Swift

✅ Level 4 - Android Development

Create Apps in Android Studio with Kotlin

Essential Algorithms and Data Structures to Crack the Coding Interview

✅ Level 5 - Machine Learning

Mobile Machine Learning with CoreML: Artificial Intelligence iOS 14 and Swift 5 Masterclass

Beginners Machine Learning Masterclass with TensorFlow.js

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